Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I've Moved!

Hey Ya'll, I just moved my blogging over to my new site.

Come check it out!  Leave a comment there if you stop by to tell me how you like the new site.



Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

Making a Plan

As we begin any new venture, we need to make a plan as to how we are going to achieve the results we want.  With an AVON business it is no different.  The first thing we discuss during an appointment with a new recruit is their goals and dreams.  Everyone has dreams and goals of how they would like their life to be like some day.  However, without a plan, a dream is just a dream.  We have to have a list to things that need to be accomplished in order to get to the desired level we want with our business.  

Suppose your dream is to purchase your first home.  What is your plan to get there?  If you're a millionaire, I suppose you could just go and pay cash for the first one that catches your eye, or all of them for that matter.  I mean, you are a millionaire after all, right?  For those of us who are not millionaires, we could always just walk into the nearest bank and request a new home loan for the house of our dreams and hope we are approved.  But after the first month, you know, when the mortgage PAYMENT comes due, can we afford the home we purchased? Did we do our homework first to make sure the payments would fit into our budget?  Did we take into consideration maintenance and upkeep costs on the new home?  Is that also in our budget? 

You see, that is where making a plan comes into effect.  Before we can purchase the home of our dreams, we first must make a plan and consider all the options and steps we need to take to get there.  How much home can we afford?  What will the payments be?  How much interest will we be paying over the life of the loan?  If we want to pay cash and not go into debt, how much money will we need to save each month? If we need a down payment in order to finance, how much will we need?  How many months must we save to reach our goal for our down payment? These are all steps that need to be considered and a plan devised to be sure we can achieve the end result for which we are hoping. 

The same goes with your Avon business.  Where do you want to be in 6 months?  One year?  Five years?  10?  In order for your business to grow to where you want it to be, you need to have a plan of action to take you to that level.  

I recently signed up a new Representative who shared with me that she wanted to earn $200 per campaign in order to help with her monthly bills.  In order to help her understand how she could achieve this we had to devise a plan of action to get her there.  We discussed how many customers she would need to reach and the amount they would have to order in order to achieve the level of sales needed to reach the $200 profit level she desired.  We also discussed how sharing the income opportunity to help her build her team and really decrease her total workload.  We also devised a plan on how she was going to find the number of customers and potential recruits needed in order to achieve her first goal of $200 in earnings.  Thus, we created her plan of action to make her dreams a reality. 

Working the Plan

Just like a dream is just a dream without the action behind it, a plan is just a plan without the hard work and dedication needed to follow through on the steps needed.  In the example of purchasing a new home, if we write down how much money we will need for the down payment, but never work to create a budget or put money into our savings to cover the deposit, the reality of new home ownership will never be realized.

With my new recruit, when I left her, she had the steps needed to achieve her desired outcome (her plan). But, if she didn't follow through and get her brochures into the hands of potential customers or talk to people about the business opportunity, she would not be able to reach her goal of $200 per campaign.  

Keep in mind, just talking to people and getting brochures into their hands, doesn't mean you will reap the benefits.  Follow up is very important. Representatives need to get contact information on everyone they give brochures to so that they can follow up with them and help these new customers with their orders.  In addition, we always have to have our plan in plain sight.  There will be times when what we had hoped would work to make our goal, doesn't, so we need to have "Plan B, C, D, etc" ready to go in that event.  If a customer you really anticipate will place a $50 order, decides not to order this campaign, that could really put a strain on your potential sales goal.  We have to be prepared and continue to talk to more people than we thought we may have needed in order to get to the benefits we desire.  It is so important to keep focused on your goals and on the results you are receiving, so that you can make changes to your plan when the need arises.  

So, just remember, you can make this beautifully crafted, completely drawn out plan to achieve your goals and dreams in your life.  But, if the plan just sits on your desk and accumulates dust, you will be no better off in 10 years than you are today.  I urge you to pursue your dreams, make your plan to achieve those dreams, and do the hard work needed to achieve those dreams.  You'll be happy you did when you can look back on that beautifully crafted piece of paper with all your plans of action and say to yourself, "I DID IT!"

I'm Ba-ack!!! For Real this time!

Ok, so I just returned from AVON's National leadership conference in Orlando, FL and I have re-ignited my fire for Avon; it's product, it's people and it's income opportunity!  I know I've stated a time or two (or three) before that I wanted to create a blog regularly and then life happens and I fail to complete what I set out to do.  Just like my Avon business, I have set goals and then, life happens, and I once again fail to complete what I set out to do!  So, this time, I mean business and I'm not letting life take over me getting to my dreams and goals.  This time it will be different because I have a plan. And that plan is doable!

In the past, I think I've planned what I needed to do, but then became so overwhelmed with everything going on in my life, that is was too difficult to break through the normal day to day living to really make my goals a reality.  Today, as badly as I want to earn the next million dollars or become the next Senior Executive Unit Leader, I realize that most people don't get to these levels overnight.  They all started with a plan and worked on this plan every day, little by little.  At first, I'm sure many of them saw failures or at minimum less than favorable results.  But did they give up?  No, they pressed on and continued to follow their plan no matter the setbacks.  When they fell, they got back up and tried again.  When they heard the word, "No," they worked that much harder to get a "YES!"

So, instead of letting my life control my actions, I need to take action in order to have control over my life.  From the moment I signed up to be an Independent AVON Representative, I was told, "Avon offers us an opportunity equal to our ambition."  Well truth be told, I must not have been THAT ambitious.  However, with the recent conference I attending with Avon, my passion and flame has been re-ignited.  I know I have the tools I need to get where I want to be and I am planning to make history within the next 12 months.  I've already started working my business with more determination and motivation than I ever have in all the (almost) 8 years I've been with the Company.

I made a promise to myself to do the "Power of 3" every day.  For those of you unaware of the Power of 3, in a nutshell it is basically just talking to three new people each day about your business.  This can be giving them brochures, samples, a business card, whatever, and inviting them to take a look at the products and/or the business opportunity.  Since I've been back, that goal has been realized.  I've learned so much from watching YouTube videos and seeing posts on some of the Avon related Facebook pages I belong to that I am finally putting some of these practices into action.

For the past four days in a row, I have giving out "Bombita's" (Sample Packs) to at least 2-3 people daily.  I have worked on my online business by sending emails to each of my online customers, sharing AVON special incentive for buy $50 and receive 20% off all online orders, now thru September 7th, I created a spreadsheet of all former Representatives on my team and invited them to give Avon another shot, and I've prepared for the upcoming event I have scheduled for this Saturday.

All in all, this has been the most productive week I've had since I left my full-time job over a year ago in hopes of building my Avon business to replace the lost income.  It's been over a year, and the income has not been replaced.  However, neither has the workload.  When I first started Avon, I was on fire!  I heard from many of my friends and family, "Wendy could you imagine what you could do with your business if you had 40 hours per week to work it, like you do your day job?" That became my dream, to one day be able to quit my day job and work my Avon business full-time.  Well I made half of that dream a reality when we moved to Florida.  However, have I really put in 40 hours weekly?  My paychecks would say "NO!"

So, today I start anew with a refreshed attitude, a new motivation, and a vision of what's possible when I work this business like a business.  I have recently heard from another Representative who is really working with her business, and she has showed statistical information on how blogging can help build your online business.  The results she showed were astonishing.  Therefore, I have made a new goal to post a new blog at least once a week.   These blogs will be centered around Avon; whether it's a new product, one that is currently on sale, the income opportunity, accomplishments I've made in working my business, tips on running a successful direct sales/network marketing business, or anything else that strikes my fancy.

I hope you enjoy reading my posts and I invite you to come back often!

Wendy Adams
Independent AVON Representative/National Recruiter - Shop Online  Ref Code: wweller   Become an AVON Representative and join my journey today!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

2012 Reflection

Well, I know it's been a while (ok a very long time) since I've posted last.  To be honest, life happened and took me away from the things I love again.  But as I was re-reading through my posts I thought it would be a good idea to reflect on my goals made in 2012 and update the non-existant readers of where I achieved my goals and where I fell short.

1- Make President's Club by Campaign 20.  My goal for the 2012-2013 cycle was to make PC by Campaign 20.  I think I beat that by atleast two campaigns.  Of course I can't go back and check this out for certain but if my memory serves me right, it was C17 or C18.  In fact, as we are at the end of the cycle now, it's my extreme pleasure to tell you that I not only achieve President's Club (PC), I made it all the way to Honor Society (HS).  In fact, I'm less than $8,000 away from making even the third step up to Rose Cirle.  My sales increase this year is well over $13,000, thanks to the Bon Jovi incentive with the Unplugged perfume.

2- Regain my AUL Title by July 2012.  I'm sad to say, this did not happen this year.  Working two  jobs, pursuing my master's degree and taking care of my customers has limited the time I have to spend on my leadership advancement.  However, in addition to this, I'm still working to try to find leadership quality representatives that want to take their business to the next step. 

3- Add 50+ new team members to my 1st generation this year! Another goal that I didn't make this year due to my time constraints.  However, I did manage to add 14 successful reps and probably a dozen or so more that were unsuccessful.

4- Help Two team members become AUL.  Again in order to obtain this goal I have to have people on my team that want such an advancement.  The nice thing about AVON is that we are in business FOR ourselves, but not by ourselves.  So if anyone on my team decides to give leadership a try, I will be right there in their corner helping them achieve their goals.  However, I can't twist their arm and make them want this awesome opportunity.
5- Consistently Hold Monthly Unit and Opportunity Meetings. I have been doing goo holding monthly Unit meetings.  I just wish I could get more of my team to attend them.  Hopefully now that Spring is here it'll be easier to achieve that.

All in all, the year was not too bad.  I sold more than I've ever sold and I've maintained and built my team.  They say if you reach for the moon and fall short, you'll land among the stars!  I have done just that in 2012.  Here's to a better 2013! 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lasting Impressions

As we get ready to say our final goodbye's to my husband Danny's grandmother this coming week, I've taken some time to reflect on the footprints left by such a marvelous woman.  A woman who has touched so many lives for so many years.  I only met this beautiful woman one time but she has left a beautiful impression on my life that will last forever.   She reminded me so much of my own late grandma.  My Granny was a beautiful woman inside and out and has forever touched my soul from my first breath to holding her hand at her last breath, the woman has inspired me. 

This makes me wonder, how many people can say that about me?  Will I make an impression on someone so much that when I'm gone, I will be remembered for those things?  I hope so.  I do know that when we lose someone we love so dear and who has made a lasting impression on who we are, we tend to want to be more and more like that person.  Both of these ladies have made me want to be a better love, to care, to honor and respect, and to share more of myself than I have before.

I once heard a story or a poem about the dash (-) on someone's headstone.  I can't remember exactly how it went but basically it talked about the beginning date and ending date didn't matter much as we all will live and die.  But what matters most is how we spent our "dash."  That story has stayed with me for a long time and it's times like this when I reflect on my own life and wonder how my own "dash" will be remembered.

What about you?  Do you know how much of an impression you leave on the lives that you touch on a daily basis?  What will the "dash" say about you?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Year, New Me!

Avon is not like most other companies in that it uses a Fiscal year instead of a calendar year.  Our "cycle" as we call it runs from Campaign 8 through Campaign 7 of the following year.  This usually occurs sometime around April 1 - March 30th.  As we have just recently started a new year, it's time for me to revisit my annual goals and plan for an even "Better Tomorrow!" as Avon says. 

So, as I look at what I've already accomplished in just two campaigns, I'm seeing the need to up my goals.  After all, a goal is only a goal until it is reached.  At that point a new goal needs to be set.  Therefore, here are some of my new goals for this New year!

1- Make President's Club by Campaign 20.  From the moment I began my career as an Avon lady, I made the goal of achieving PC by Campaign 22 each year.  When I joined, it was during Campaign 22, 2006.  I set my goal then and there to earn PC by Campaign 22 the following year.  Each year since then I have earned PC by Campaign 22, with the exception of last year.  Last year things we a bit rough on me so it took me a few more campaigns to reach my PC goal.  So this year I want to make up for that by earning PC by Campaign 20.  This will mean that my sales will have to be around $777 per campaign on the average.  I think I can do it.  I am averaging that right now with just two campaigns in.

2- Regain my AUL Title by July 2012.  A couple years ago, I had reached Advanced Unit Leader title and was loving the boost in income and team members.  I want that back.  My dream has always been to reach the highest level of leadership (SEUL) and be the first to do so in my district.  That dream is still achievable and alive within me.  But in order to do that I need to advance in title soon.  In order to make this a reality, I need to help my team build their teams.  I need to find the right people who want to earn more money with me and work closely with them to get them moving up the leadership ranks.

3- Add 50+ new team members to my 1st generation this year! This is totally achieveable.  All I need to earn this is to sponsor/recruit two new team members per campaign.  Lately, I've been doing that and then some.  I'm signing up 3 people just this week for Campaign 11 and got two in for Campaign 10 and 8!  Campaign 9 brought in 3 new reps joining me.

4- Help Two team members become AUL.   I love my team and would love to be able to help everyone achieve AUL or above.  However, they have to want this as badly as I do for them.  I have a huge list of who I think on my team would make an exceptional leader but they need to want it to.  I will be reaching out to those members to see who wants my assistance to reaching their goals.

5- Consistently Hold Monthly Unit and Opportunity Meetings.  I used to do this in the past but let life take hold of my leadership business.  Now it's time to get back into the drivers seat and get the show on the road!  My team needs me and I want them to know that I am there for them.  My first meetings are scheduled for May! 

I hope to revisit these goals here on the blog and provide you all with updates as the year progresses so you all can see how well I'm doing or not doing in meeting these goals. 

Well, I'm off to break new records... see you at the Top!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Benefits of being an Avon lady

AVON has come a long way in 125 years!  This past year AVON celebrated it's 125th year and to my amazement it is still growing strong as the number one direct selling company in the world!  In this blog I will list the top 10 benefits of Being an AVON Lady, in my opinion.  I'm sure you will find that once you decide to give Avon a try, your Top 10 may be a little different too.  There are so many things to be thankful for with my Avon business.   These are in no particular order, just 10 different things I love about being an Avon lady.

1.  I love getting my products at wholesale.  Being a gal that loves her skin care and cosmetics, as well as all the other girly things that Avon has to offer, I enjoy a 40% discount on most of my purchases through Avon.

2.  I love the recognition I get for a job well done!  I love giving recognition to my team even more!

3.  I love the fact that Avon backs their products with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

4.  I enjoy being able to help members of my downline experience the success in their business through their own personal hard work and dedication.

5.  Where else can you start your own business for just $10?  With such a low investment, Avon allows representatives to get started without the hassle of coming up with a huge purchase.

6.  My brochure is my store.  The more brochures I put into the hands of people, the more business I get.  Avon sells itself in my opinion, my job is to open up my store so all the world can see what we offer.  The nice thing is I don't have the overhead costs of running a store on a daily basis.  I don't have to pay for rent, utilities, employees, etc that most companies must pay for in order to keep their business doors open.  My door stays open with every 20 cent brochure I give away.

7.  I believe in my product, the company, and it's guiding principles.  Avon truly is the company for Women (and a few good men) and it stands behind every woman in American with programs to ensure that we, as women are valued in today's society.  Through the Avon foundation, Avon has donated millions of dollars to Breast Cancer research, Domestic Violence as well as many other national causes. 

8.  I LOVE my customers!  They are 50% of my business and what keeps me in business.  Without my customers I would not earn the things I earn through incentives offered by Avon and income earned from my sales!  I pamper my Customers too because I value their patronage and want to keep them around.

9.  I LOVE my TEAM!  They are the other 50% of my business and they are what makes me want to continue with my business even during the slow times--and we all have slow times now and then.  My team are those who I've personally sponsored into Avon, who I have learned so much about, been able to help and also sit back and watch them rise to stardom.  I love everyone on my team, from the newest rep to the one who's been through it all with me, right from the start.  It doesn't matter how successful each Rep is on my team, only that I can help them have their Avon business be whatever they need it to be for them.

10.  I LOVE AVON!  Being someone that has tried many different work-from-home, direct selling, and home party plan ventures, Avon is the one company that I cannot see myself not being a part of for the rest of my life.  I am passionate about everything that is Avon!  From the moment I started as an Independent Sales Rep, I have seen the vision.  You wouldn't think someone like me would think that being an AVON LADY was cool!  But this is not your Grandma's Avon anymore. Avon has stood the test of time and become the Avon of Today, Tomorrow and Always!  I will forevermore be proud to be called an "Avon Lady!"

What does Avon mean to you?  Are you an Avon lady?  Perhaps you've thought about becoming one for a while.  Well there is no better time than today.  Join my team today and see what Avon can mean for you!  If you are interested, contact me today.  You'll find my information in my profile.  Or you can join Automatically online at  Be sure to use ref code: wweller so I know I made an impact on your decision to join!